GURI SoftHouse
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Consultoria em Informática



Inform you that the changes proposed here was not accepted by author of Postfix.

We use Postfix as the MTA of our MX systems since 1998 because is excellent. Postfix was developed and is maintained by Wietse Venema.

But (always a but .....), by decision of the author, Postfix leaves the extended features dependent on external applications, such as procmail, spamassassin, and so on.

"An AntiSPAM MTA is different from a generic MTA", as the point of view of Postfix's author.

This is beyond dispute. The author has several reasons for this, but there are several reasons to implement additional features, since that the Internet is not only used by person who respect good-practices policy.

What would be the minimum required for the postfix to be converted into AntiSpam-MTA?

Postfix original analyzes and allows some decisions based on condition of one action per line. Postfix divides the message into sections (envelop, header and body). Envelop matches are done by smtpd queue. Header and body (without mixing) are matched by cleanup queue. You can set conditional actions long as they are for the same section of the message.

An MTA Antispam should decide their actions based on two or more conditions which may be mentioned in any of the sections.

The changes proposed here implement a decision based on the two conditions in Any sections, which is enough to prevent many malicious and spam messages using an "a little bit more" intuitive syntax. Postfix keeps being an antispam-MTA. The implementation does not transforms the Postfix into an antispam MTA. This would require Postix rewrite, which would be much pretension on my part.

The implementation details are presented in NEXTBLINE_README..


The current patch is valid for Postfix Version 2.4-patch-6.

Latest full Source code available:

Latest patch (diff) source code is:

Other versions can be available under request.